Welcome to Tsemah Capital

Tsemah Capital is a professional investment management company, strategically positioned as a specialised private equity company with a sound and disciplined investment philosophy and process.

Operating across the entire African continent, Tsemah Capital is committed to sourcing unique opportunities to deliver new avenues for our investors to grow the portfolios and create wealth.

Tsemah Capital aspires to become the most respected manager of alternative assets in our area of operation, as evidenced by the long-term relationships we develop with investors, both in South Africa and globally, and the consistent meeting and exceeding of our investment promise.

“Tsemah Capital makes a return on the funds under our management, by meeting and/or exceeding performance expectations of both investors and clients – with a clear focus on investments across the African continent.”


Tsemah Capital aspires to become the most respected manager of alternative assets in our area of operation, as evidenced by the long-term relationships we develop with investors globally, and the consistent meeting and exceeding of our investment promise.


African Countries in our Network


Years of Experience

US$500 Million

Projected Size of our Fund

Our Management

Tsemah Capital is managed by an experienced team. Meet our principles:

Washington Kapapiro

Washington Kapapiro

Managing Partner

"In the great works of Kwame Nkurumah, "I am not African because I was born in Africa; I am African because Africa was born in me". I have an ardent belief in Africa‘s propensity for phenomenal development over the next few years. And we can all chose to be architects for that growth. Tsemah Capital have clearly set our stall out to usher in Africa’s future success; and we do this by strategic investments that not only provide great returns of our investors, but also build robust foundations for Africa’s future generations. In a word: LEGACY."

Anthony Kakurira

Anthony Kakurira

Senior Partner

"We have a rare mix in our team; we invest in Africa with a clear goal to build the continent for future generations. Many investors are on the continent to make exponential returns and that‘s great. But we feel we have an added responsibility to ensure that all our investments have a lasting impact on Africa’s story for generations to come. We employ the best team who also subscribe to this principle to ensure we are a cohesive unit with common purpose."

Our Ethos

Africa’s Legacy

Our guiding beliefs and ideals are governed by an strong commitment to building a brighter future for Africa. We believe that Africa needs investors who look into the future and make decisions that will impact generations beyond our lifetimes. We have a responsibility to our investors to provide attractive ROIs but we believe we should look to do this whilst building a lasting legacy for Africa.

Our Process

Sourcing opportunities

Deal flow is generated from a number of sources including internal generated research, intermediaries and networks of the management team. We have a strong and diverse network who give us first sight on attractive opportunities across the continent.

Evaluation and due diligence

Each investment opportunity is initially screened against Tsemah Capital’s investment criteria and, if appropriate, a preliminary analysis will be performed to determine the investment profile, risks and attractiveness of the opportunity.

Once preliminary approval is obtained from the investment forum and the principal investment terms agreed with the third parties, the next stage will be to undertake an in-depth company due diligence investigation.

Investment committee and investment conclusion

The transaction proposal is presented to Tsemah Capital’s investment committee which reviews the proposal, based generally on criteria that include management background, industry and company analysis, valuation and capital structure.

After the Investment Committee approval, the necessary legal agreements, incorporating all the terms of agreement amongst the transaction parties, are concluded.

Monitoring and value enhancement

Tsemah Capital brings the varied capabilities and background of its professionals to bear in playing a highly proactive role in enhancing the strategic profile and profitability of each portfolio investment.

The Tsemah Capital team provides ongoing advice and support to portfolio companies at critical stages and is able to act decisively and knowledgeably in the event that the business does not develop as planned.

Liquidity and exit strategies

Exit strategies are pursued by Tsemah Capital in consultation with the management team of the portfolio company.