
Our management team identifies unique entrepreneurial opportunities that we develop ourselves including M&As, collaborations and management buyouts.


We arrange project finance for large scale projects looking for debt capital larger than our PE fund investment threshold. We have investors suitable to debt & mezzanine deals.


We advise several clients looking to invest across Africa, and we assist investors who have small Africa divisions to undertake background work before they will invest.

Opportunities in Africa – Investing Across Sectors

What are the opportunities of investing in Africa? In this video, African experts and CEOs share perspectives on investing across various sectors in Africa and how the challenges transform into opportunities for business. Contact us to discover how we can assist you to explore African opportunities.

Investing in Africa’s Legacy

Tsemah Capital has a well-established and disciplined investment process designed to provide real value for investors through highly profitable strategic investments with minimal risk.

Our Process

  • Sourcing Opportunities

    Deal flow is generated from a number of sources including internal generated research, intermediaries and networks of the management team. We have a robust network of introducers bring unique opportunities exclusive to us.

  • Evaluation and Due Diligence

    Each investment opportunity is initially screened against Tsemah Capital’s investment criteria and, if appropriate, a preliminary analysis will be performed to determine the investment profile, risks and attractiveness of the opportunity.

    Once preliminary approval is obtained from the investment forum and the principal investment terms agreed with the third parties, the next stage will be to undertake an in-depth company due diligence investigation.

  • Investment Committee & Investment Conclusion

    The transaction proposal is presented to Tsemah Capital’s investment committee which reviews the proposal, based generally on criteria that include management background, industry and company analysis, valuation and capital structure.

    After the Investment Committee approval, the necessary legal agreements, incorporating all the terms of agreement amongst the transaction parties, are concluded.

  • Monitoring & Value Enhancement

    Tsemah Capital brings the varied capabilities and background of its professionals to bear in playing a highly proactive role in enhancing the strategic profile and profitability of each portfolio investment.

    The Tsemah Capital team provides ongoing advice and support to portfolio companies at critical stages and is able to act decisively and knowledgeably in the event that the business does not develop as planned.

  • Liquidity & Exit Strategies

    Exit strategies are pursued by Tsemah Capital in consultation with the management team of the portfolio company.