Our Fund

Tsemah Capital Fund 1 will launch in 2018. We are currently fundraising a unique fund in the current market operating across the entire African continent. We are committed to sourcing unique opportunities to deliver new avenues for our investors to grow their portfolios and create wealth.

Our principal activities include sourcing and evaluation of investment opportunities, execution of investments, active involvement and realisation of investments.

Tsemah Capital has a number of unique features:

Owner-managed, private equity focused business – the majority of Tsemah Capital’s equity is owned by its management team. We operate a flat management structure that allows for quick decision-making resulting in greater competitiveness.

An experienced and motivated executive team with extensive investment and executive management experience that is responsible for sourcing and executing the investments.

We want to hear from you. If you want to know how you can invest with us OR if you are looking for investment in your project get in touch with us.

Investment Profile


To achieve above average long-term returns for our investors

To promote a scorecard approach to Africa’s Legacy in our portfolio companies


Tsemah Capital targets investment opportunities which display the following features:

– Attractive businesses with competent management teams

– Established businesses with good track records in terms of profitability

-Above average earnings growth prospects and strong cash flow generation

The key management team of the portfolio company are supported and encouraged to be significant shareholders in the business. Each investment is structured to provide:

– Tsemah Capital with board representation

– Alignment of interest among the key shareholders

-A value-enhancing plan for all shareholders

The transactions, which could involve private and/or public companies, may take a combination of the following formats:

– Management buy-outs or buy-ins of companies alongside management teams

– Entrepreneurial partnering transactions to support proven entrepreneurs to enhance business value

– Expansion capital for companies with significant growth prospects. Such investments will provide critical funding to established businesses that are positioned to take advantage of organic growth and acquisition opportunities

– Replacement capital for companies seeking to replace retiring shareholders or restructuring of the shareholding of the company.

Company Registration

Tsemah Capital will be registered in Mauritius. We will not carry out regulated activities in jurisdictions where we are not authorised by local regulatory bodies.